I know that as a parent a lot is going on for you right now

There are so many conflicting thoughts and feelings swirling around in your head and heart right now…

You are worried…

Almost overnight your child seems to have lost the ability to do everyday things. You are managing heated emotions, massive meltdowns and shutdowns where your child isolates themselves in their room.

Attending school is a constant battle, they have withdrawn socially and they have stopped doing the things they used enjoy.

No one prepared you for this and you really don’t know how to move forward from here.

The pressure is coming at you from all directions!

“Am I doing the right thing?”

“How long will this last?”

“How do I help my child get better?”

These are the thoughts playing on a loop inside your head, as your child who just seems to get worse.

“What if it will always be like this?”

Is the thought that keeps you up at night. 

Where can you get help?

I know these things to be true…

You are in the middle of one of the hardest parenting experiences you have ever been through.

The pressure you feel is immense as you battle school, the judgment of others and struggle to find the right information and support… or even just someone who believes you or understands what Autistic Burnout is!

Even though others may not believe you, you know that Autistic Burnout is very real.

You feel isolated and your world has become very small.

On top of this, you still have all the usual responsibilities of work and life admin to juggle – You Are Exhausted!

Your child being in Autistic Burnout is having a huge impact on the rest of the family, your relationship with your partner and your own mental health as your child’s primary caregiver.

Everything feels heavy and high stakes – Do you have what it takes to get through this?

Tanya Valentin

Hi There, My Name Is Tanya.

I’ve been where you are

I know from personal experience how terrifying it can be to watch your child’s well-being decline due to Autistic Burnout and not know what to do to help them recover without a clear end in sight.

I have experienced first-hand just how alone and exhausted you feel all of the time!

I have also seen my children come out the other side and be in recovery and I have learned the skill-set that it took to get them there.

The reality is that caring for your child or teen who is in Autistic Burnout is a lonely and isolating path, especially if you don’t have support or points of reference to guide you. 

But it doesn’t have to be!
Let me help you carry this heavy load so we can release some of this pressure!

In  my work with Parents of Neurodivergent Children and Teenagers I support parents to navigate the journey from burnout to recovery and beyond.

As a Neurodivergent person myself and the proud Mama to 3 gorgeous Neurodivergent humans, I know only too well the complexities involved with raising children, teens and young adults who are ‘wired differently’ in a world that is not made for them resulting in them developing burnout.  Read My Story Here.  

From my lived experience as a parent and a professional, I know there are very few places that parents can turn to for specialized help and support for their Neurodivergent families especially when they are supporting their child through burnout recovery.

My neuro-affirming and trauma-informed approach focuses on listening to you and supporting you in a way that works for you and your unique family.

I am committed to giving you the empathy, space, guidance and care you need to feel safe to process and understand what is going on for your child and to find the resources to support you on this new path you are forging for your self and your family.

Let me support you to feel confident and empowered in your role as a parent so that you, your child and your whole family can thrive. 

Book your complimentary 30-minute Planning Call with me 

Parent Testimonial

We struggled with our daughter’s behaviour since she was a toddler and tried so many things to help her including traditional parenting courses and psychologists.

Eventually when she started high school she reached a point where she just withdrew. She started self-harming and threatening to end her life. She stopped doing all the things she used to enjoy and attending school was a constant battle.

We started working with Tanya because when we read what she was saying about Autistic Burnout just made sense.

Working with Tanya, has helped us to see our child and her behaviour from a completely different perspective.  I am finally starting to understand her and the reasons behind her challenging behaviours and understand burnout and how this is affecting her. Tanya really understands burnout like no one else I have encountered. Her understanding and support combined with the practical advice we implemented from our sessions with Tanya has helped us to create more moments of calm and connection in our family. I am finally starting to see sparks of life coming back into our girl and I am hopeful for our future. Thank you Tanya.
