I know that as a parent a lot is going on for you right now

  • You might still be exploring an assessment of Autism or ADHD for your child, be on a waiting list to be assessed or processing your child’s diagnosis and what this means for you and your family.
  • You might be questioning your own Autism or ADHD or exploring a diagnosis for yourself.
  • You may be struggling to to support your child/teen with their anxiety, depression, panic attacks, melt-downs, shut-downs, ‘school can’t’, burnout and suicidal thoughts.
  • You may be struggling to help them manage their behaviour so that they don’t hurt themselves, siblings or others.
  • You may be navigating how to do the best for your child while navigating ‘the system’ (school, medical and mental health) alongside differing parenting styles with a partner, spouse or co-parent.
  • You are trying to stay ‘positive and strong‘ for your children while dealing with your own emotions and grief along with juggling life.

No one talks about this part of parenting – It can feel hard, overwhelming, isolating and relentless!

We all know that when our children are not doing well we are not doing well either.

I also know that you and your child may have been dismissed and their challenges may have been blamed on bad parenting. (Even though we both know that you are doing your best for your child with very little support or resources). 

You are not alone!
Parent Support

First, you need to know that your child is not ‘broken’ and you are not ‘failing’ as a parent.

However your child is wired differently, so traditional family coaching is not going to work for you and your child.

You need specialized parenting support that is built around your child’s unique wiring.

The heartbreaking reality is that our Neurodivergent children and teens (by no fault of their own) are more likely to be affected by mental health challenges, dysregulated behaviours, ‘school can’t’,  co-occurring medical conditions, low employment rates, discrimination and bullying. The devasting consequence of this is higher burnout and suicide rates and low life outcomes and life expectancy. 

The frustrating thing is that so many of the ‘experts’ know very little about what actually works when supporting our neurodivergent kids.

This can make knowing how to parent and help your struggling neurodivergent child or teen deeply challenging!  

Not Sure What To Do Next?

Parent support

Hi There, My Name Is Tanya.

I am a Neuro-Affirming Family Coach who specializes in working with Neurodivergent Parents of Neurodivergent Children and Teenagers. 

As a Neurodivergent person myself and the proud Mama to 3 gorgeous Neurodivergent humans, I know only too well the complexities involved with raising children, teens and young adults who are ‘wired differently’ in a world wired for ‘normal’.  Read My Story Here.  

From personal experience, I know what it is like to raise children and teenagers with Autism and ADHD. I also know all too well what it feels like to discover that you are Neurodivergent later in life (I was in my forties).

From my lived experience as a parent and a professional, I know there are very few places that parents can turn to for specialized help and support for their Neurodivergent families.

My neuro-affirming and trauma-informed approach focuses on listening to you. 

I am committed to giving you the empathy, space, guidance and care you need to feel safe to understand yourself and your child or teenager from a Neurodivergent perspective, which is missing from traditional family coaching.

Let me support you to feel confident in your role as a parent so that you, your child and your whole family can thrive. 

Book your complimentary 30-minute Planning Call with me 

Parent Testimonial

We have struggled with our daughter’s behaviour since she was a toddler, and have tried so many things to help her including traditional parenting courses and psychologists. 

Working with Tanya, has helped us to see our child and her behaviour from a completely different perspective.  I am finally starting to understand her and the reasons behind her challenging behaviours.  This combined with the practical advice we implemented from our sessions with Tanya has helped us to create more moments of calm and connection in our family. I am finally hopeful for our future. Thank you Tanya.
