
Does Your Child or Teen Have Autistic Burnout?

Autistic burnout can affect your child in so many ways from loss of skills, and inability to do everyday things, to ‘school can’t’ and social withdrawal to being in a mental health crisis. 

Autistic burnout is a debilitating condition that affects Autistic individuals of all ages and stages of their lifespan. Burnout is caused by “being asked to continuously do more than one is capable of without sufficient means for recovery.”(Raymaker 2020). 

Many Autistic children, teens and adults (even those who are undiagnosed) will experience some form of burnout throughout their lives. High-masking individuals, PDAers and those with multiple neurotypes (such as Autism and ADHD) are at higher risk of being affected by burnout and may be misdiagnosed as having depression or an anxiety disorder. Depending on how severe the burnout is, it can take weeks, months, and even years to recover.

Autistic burnout can have ongoing consequences for the whole family.

Autistic Burnout Care and Recovery

We know from lived experience and research just how crippling Autistic burnout can be. However, the frustrating thing is that there is very little understanding of what burnout is especially among medical and mental health professionals. There is even less support for those affected by burnout and their families.

Having a child who is in burnout can have a huge impact on the rest of the family, your relationship with your partner and your own mental health as a caregiver.

It can be tricky to navigate and to even know if you are doing the right thing to support your child and the rest of your family.

I know from personal experience how terrifying it can be to watch your child’s well-being decline due to burnout and not know what to do to help them recover without a clear end in sight.

I have also seen my children come out the other side and be in recovery (and the things that it took to get them there).

The truth is that caring for your child or teen who is in burnout is often a lonely and isolating path, especially if you don’t have support or points of reference to guide you. 

But it doesn’t have to be.

The Autistic Burnout Care and Recovery Program is a 6-week parent education and support program for parents caring for their autistic child or teen who is in burnout.

This program is specially designed to give you the important information you need to understand Autistic burnout and support your child’s recovery when you need it most.

You will receive support from live group coaching sessions alongside a supportive group of parents who intimately understand what you are going through. 

Autistic Burnout Care and Recovery

When Does The Next 6-Week Group Start?

The next round of Autistic Burnout Care and Recovery starts on 19 August 2024

What's Included

7 weekly, live online coaching sessions.  These conversational, interactive sessions are conducted live on Zoom to allow you to ask questions, connect with and share your experiences with the other parents in the group. 

6 weekly education modules These modules are presented in short videos for you to watch at your own pace.

Access to a private community. This private and supportive online group is where you can share experiences, access peer support and ask Tanya and the other parents in the group questions about your child or family situation. (You will continue to have access to the group after the program ends)

Limited Spaces. The small group size allows you to get the individualised support you need and make genuine connections with the other families in the group.

You will also receive:

  • Continued access to the education modules and private group and the connections you made with other parents after the program is finished.
  • Ongoing support through our alumni online community.
  • Access to FREE monthly Masterclasses.
Autistic Burnout Care and Recovery

Payment Information

$495 NZD (or $123.75 a fortnight when you use Afterpay at checkout)

As part of my commitment to ethical practice, extended payment plans and hardship scholarships are available on request.

Course Outline

Module One – Understanding Autistic Burnout

  • What is autistic burnout?
  • What is happening on a brain and nervous system level?

Module Two – Understanding Meltdowns and Shutdowns

  • Understanding the connection between meltdowns/shutdowns, masking and autistic burnout.
  • How we can support our child’s nervous system regulation. 

Module Three – Burnout Recovery

  • The fundamentals of burnout recovery.
  • Screens and burnout recovery.
  • How we can adapt our parenting to aid burnout recovery.

Module Four – Taking Care of Yourself and Other Family Members

  • How do we meet the needs of other children?
  • How do we meet our own needs?
  • How do we regulate our own nervous system and protect ourselves from burnout?
  • Getting on the same page with your partner.

Module Five – Crisis Support

  • How to recognise the early signs of escalation and crisis?
  • What to do in a crisis?

Module Six – The ‘New Normal’

  • How can you support your child as they come out of burnout?
  • Managing demands and expectations as your child engages with the outside world.
  • Burnout prevention, accommodations and supports to protect your child from future burnout.

Do You Have Questions About The Program?

Email Tanya: tanya@tanyavalentin.com

or send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram – @tanyavalentinnz

Meet Tanya

Tanya Valentin

Tanya Valentin is a Trauma-Informed and Neuro-Affirming Family Coach, NZ Registered Teacher, Lecturer (Te Pukenga – Early Childhood Education and Care), Author and Podcaster.

Tanya is a Neurodivergent person and a proud Mama of 3 Neurodivergent humans. She works to support, educate and foster inclusion, acceptance and positive life outcomes for all neurodivergent children, teenagers and adults in all her areas of life.

Tanya lives with her family in beautiful Northland, New Zealand. She has authored several books and blogs and co-hosts the Seen Heard Accepted Podcast with her family. She is the founder of the Neurodivergent Family Toolbox and the host of the Parenting Neurodivergent Kids Together podcast.

Tanya is committed to making a difference in the world by supporting parents with practical tools and strategies to help them understand their child and their unique wiring, feel confident in their parenting and nurture strong connections between themselves and their children.