Parenting Education

mother and daughter arguing

Navigating Conflict With Your Neurodivergent Teen

Neuro-Affirming Strategies for Parents of Neurodivergent Teens When bringing together and considering the perspectives and needs of everyone in our neurodivergent families there are bound to be conflicts. It is inevitable. Let’s face it, conflict is part of life especially when we are parenting teens and parenting neurodivergent teenagers can add complexity to this. It […] Read more…

The Valentins

Shifting The Paradigm Of Neurodiversity

Autism and ADHD are something that affects approximately 15-20% of the population. The increased diagnosis of Autism and ADHD in teens and adults highlights the need for there to be more conversations that facilitate the shifting of the paradigm on how we speak about, perceive and include neurodiversity. Meet The Valentins Our family is a […] Read more…

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